Welcome to approach’s documentation!

The Alos Pre-PROcessing CHain (a.k.a. approach… sorry) is a repository to aid in the pre-processing of level 1.1 data from ALOS-1 and ALOS-2 with the SNAP graph processing tool.

Backscatter from the L-band ALOS-1 and ALOS-2 RADAR sensors is strongly associated with aboveground woody biomass in African woodlands and savannahs. This repository performs the pre-processing elements for producing similar maps. The gamma0 output geotiffs can be futher calibrated to measure aboveground biomass.

How do I get set up?

This script is written in Python for use in Linux. You will need to have:

  • A linux terminal
  • Installed the SNAP graph processing tool
  • Python, with snappy installed.

For more detailed instructions, see setup page.

Who do I talk to?


Indices and tables